英語教學碩士在職專班 (ETMA) Q&A

Master of Arts in English Teaching (ETMA) Q&A


Q:「英語教學碩士在職專班」上課時間為何? / When are ETMA classes held?


Classes are held in the morning and afternoon, Monday to Friday, during the months of July and August. Every subject will be taught for 54 hours, i.e. 15 times for 7.5 weeks per summer. 


Q:報考資格為何? / What are the admission requirements?

In-service English teachers or someone who works in the fields of English teachinng with at least one year of practical experience in English teaching. Years of experience are calculated based upon the start date of previous employment up to July 31 of the application year.


Q:英語教學經歷相關證明影本所指為何? / What does it mean by “proof of English teaching experience”?

Proof of years of experience, which is calculated from the date of employment (or indicateyears of service on the termination of employment report)


Q:何謂英語進修經歷相關證明影本? / What does it mean by “documented proof of advanced level education in English”?

Individuals who have attended classes or seminars related to English teaching or research should show proof of attendance, certificate(s) or credentials received.


Q:請問「進修計畫」之內容及形式為何?是否可超過三頁? / What is the standard format/content for writing the study plan? Can it be more than three
  形式:A4紙張,12-14號字體,行距為double space。請儘量勿超過三頁。

Content: Your opinion about teaching English and future research objectives, written in English Format: A4 paper, 12-14 font size, double-spaced. No more than three pages.


Q:請問何謂有利申請之英語教學/研究資料? / What are those “supporting documents related to English teaching/research”?

Individuals who have been awarded for exceptional efforts and contributions in improving teaching techniques and developing teaching materials.  Determination of “supporting documents” will vary from person to person.  Various documents may be submitted at the discretion of the applicant concerned.


Q:報名文件如何提供給系所? / How to provide the application documents to the department?

The application is now changed to on-line application. Please upload the documents at the on-line application system. Plese refer to the on-line application system for the instruction and the file size limit.


Q:需要在職證明嗎? / Is “proof of employment” required?

An authorization letter signed by current employer is equivalent to proof of employment.


Q:「教學經歷審核表」上的教學經歷或進修經歷欄如不敷使用,怎麼辦? / What should I do if I need more space to write on the “Teaching Experience Evaluation Form”? 

You may add columns on the form on your own.


Q:如果我想參考歷年考古題,要去哪裡找考古題? / Where to find the written exam questions for the previous years? 

You may refer to the Written Exam Section under the NCCU library website for it. Only the question is provided. The answer is not provided.